Lebanese Cyberspace Association registered in the Lebanese Republic-ministry of Interior and municipalities as a Lebanese non profit association under the No. 16556 dated 23/10/2014. LCA is established in Lebanon to promote the concept of multimodal cyberspace and to provide reliable information about the internet in Lebanon. but also, due the internet and technology are globally without limits or boarders, LCA can play a role regionally to exchange experiences with other NGOs in the region.
The aims and purposes of Lebanese Cyberspace Association are:
1. To promote the concept of multi-modal cyberspace.
2. To provide reliable information about the Internet.
3. To promote the exchange of information between individuals and communities through the Internet in a way that serves the principle of the Internet for all.
4. To cooperate with various associations and local and international Associations to achieve the objectives of the association and to consolidate the concept of internet culture.
5. To encourage municipalities and private and governmental institutions to communicate via the Internet and automate the work of departments.
6. To support the abilities of individuals and communities to exercise human rights through the Internet and ICTs where people can enjoy the same rights and protection both in their normal and virtual lives on the Internet.
7. To protect children from abuse of information and communication technology in line with human rights literature and ethics.
8. To enhance digital content in Arabic.
9. To encourage entrepreneurship and innovation to develop e-community.
10. To conduct training courses, exhibitions and seminars.
11. To cooperate with media organizations and publishing houses to disseminate information culture and publish publications to disseminate research and studies that serve the objectives of the association.
12. To resolve disputes between the parties arising from the use of the Internet through mediation, in accordance with the assets to be adopted by the association, appointing the negotiator and/or mediators, signing the necessary agreements and contracts, and carrying out all the works to implement this purpose.
13. To disseminate of the principle of respect for intellectual property and the development of its concepts.